Meet the team



It all started when…

Kevin comes from a long line of tradesmen and woodworkers. He began helping his father in the shop at a young age, which is when he discovered his passion for creating and putting things together. In fact, most of his life lessons were taught to him by his father in the shop.

In the years since, Kevin has enjoyed building everything from storefront window displays in Times Square to museum exhibits and interactive informational showcases, which incidentally landed him on the History Channel’s show, Museum Men, for an all-too-brief, one-season run. Throughout that time, Kimber, Kevin’s faithful boxer, could be found snoozing under the workbench, sniffing out when it was lunch time, and adding joy to the shop.

Now, Kevin’s focus is on finding beautiful wood to build cool stuff, fishing, and camping, although not necessarily in that order.

Kevin and his dad in the shop

Kevin and his dad in the shop



By day, Melissa, Kevin’s wife, is an office-worker. By night, she is a Dusty Boxer Woodshop website designer, photographer, creative input, project manager, and marketer. In all of the other hours of the day, she enjoys reading, dabbling in random arts and crafts, and going on adventures.

Kimber (In Memory)

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The original dusty boxer

Kimber joined the team back in 2006 as a puppy determined to win every heart and eat every electronic possible (including one house phone, one cell phone, and two remote controls…all in one night). As he got older, Kimber loved nothing more than keeping Kevin company while he worked by napping under the table, getting dusty in the shop, and always helping out with moral support.

Proudest moment: Starring on History Channel’s show, Museum Men

Best talent: Ability to wag his entire body whenever Kevin entered the room



the new dusty boxer

Trigger joined the team in 2016. Although Kimber spent a few years showing him the ropes, Trigger is still learning how to be a shop dog. For now, Trigger is happy to hang out as long as he can keep Kevin in his sight and has a bone to chew with a soft place to lay.

Likes: squeaky toys, ice cream, snuggles

Dislikes: birds, motorcycles